Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Transliterating Elder Futhark to English

 "We temporarily interrupt this series of posts about Making a set of Runes to bring you this important message!"

On literally every social media site I visit, someone will ask about how to write some English phrase in runes.  And naturally,  when using them, it makes sense to write in the language they were created for. But for 99.96%+ of us, that ain't gonna happen. So we use them to write English in Elder Futhark. That's simply going to happen. But if we're going to do that, we need to transliterate, and not translate. And that means *throw away* all these stupid internet memes and apps that try to make a Rune-to-letter equivalency.

Runes represent SOUNDS, NOT LETTERS. The Ansuz represents the "a" sound in "want," but NOT the "a" sound in "wane." Here is the phenome chart to use. You're welcome.

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